- 1: P1: WELCOME!
- 2: P2: Saying Hell
- 3: P3: Saying Plea
- 4: P4: Please And
- 5: P5: Good And Ba
- 6:P6: Being Happy
- 7:P7: Health And E
- 8:P8: Stress And W
- 9:P9: Being Famous
- 10:P10: Saying Sorr
- 11:P11: Irony And C
- 12:P12: You And You
- 13:P13: Grammar
- 14:P14: Using Body
- 15:P15: Slang
- 16:P16: Forever Cha
- 17:P17: Time
- 18:P18: Small-Talk
- 19:P19: The World o
- 20:P20: Slang Terms
- 21:P21: Compliments
- 22:P22: The Way You
- 23:P23: Faults and
- 24:P24: Changing En
- 25:P25: Speeching E